Trees are an essential part of California's climate and are vital to improving the state's air quality and water conservation. To help educate Californians on the value that trees provide to building successful, healthy cities and neighborhoods, California celebrats March 7-14 of each year as California Arbor Week.
CAL FIRE is partnering with California ReLeaf to encourage cities, nature groups, schools, and youth organizations to celebrate California Arbor Week by planting trees in their communities. California ReLeaf is an alliance of community-based groups, individuals, industries, and government agencies working to protect the environment by planting and caring for trees and the state's urban and community forests.
Research shows that trees clear pollution from the air, catch significant rainwater, add to property values, cut energy use, increase commercial activity, reduce stress, improve neighborhood safety and enhance recreation opportunities.
The goals of Arbor Week include educating Californians about trees, encouraging tree planting, teaching elementary school children the environmental, social, and economic benefits of trees, and protecting the state's valuable natural resources.
As part of the department's mission, CAL FIRE is charged with protecting California's forests by maintaining the sustainability of the state's natural resources including timber.
For a full listing of events scheduled to celebrate California Arbor Week across the state visit
It's important that you carefully plan before you plant a tree. You want to ensure that your tree is properly placed to avoid growing in to powerlines and buildings, as well as making sure it's the best spot for a healthy full-sized tree.
For more information visit:
Watch a short public service announcement urging all Californians to take part in celebrating California Arbor Week from March 7 - 14.
CAL FIRE Grants Increase Urban Forestry
Learn more about how CAL FIRE joined cities across the state during Arbor Day and Earth Day to celebrate the increase in trees planted in urban areas.
For more more tips on how to plant trees, download our educational fact sheet.
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