Enacted in 2011, the state fire prevention fee is applied to parcels with habitable structures within California's State Responsibility Areas (SRA). Residents in SRA neighborhoods receive a bill annually from the state Board of Equalization.
The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire), provides a website that contains information on the fee at, and has also set up a toll-free hotline at (888) 310-6447. This website contains an interactive map that lets visitors zoom in to a parcel and see if it is within the SRA.
SRA, by definition, does not include any lands within city or town limits. If your parcel is located in a city or town, it is not SRA and your property is not subject to this fee.
State Responsibility Area Viewer
What is the State Responsibility Area (SRA)?
The State Responsibility Area (SRA) is the area of the state where the State of California is financially responsible for the prevention and suppression of wildfires. SRA does not include lands within city boundaries or in federal ownership. To see if a parcel is within the SRA enter in the parcel address in the BOF's State Responsibility Area Viewer. Click Here
SRA Fire Prevention Fee In formation
A State Responsibility Area (SRA) Fire Prevention Benefit Fee was enacted by the California legislature following the signing of Assembly Bill X1 29 in July 2011. The law approved the new annual Fire Prevention Fee to pay for fire prevention services within the SRA. The fee is applied to all habitable structures within the SRA.
The fee is levied at the rate of $150 per habitable structure, which is defined as a building that can be occupied for residential use. Owners of habitable structures who are also within the boundaries of a local fire protection agency will receive a reduction of $35 per habitable structure.
This fee will fund a variety of important fire prevention services within the SRA including brush clearance around communities on public lands, along roadways and evacuation routes; and activities to improve forest health so the forest can better withstand wildfire.