It will happen here again: Reflecting on the LA fires and what it means for Bay Area fire prevention
David Shew
Mark Brown
Michael Wara
Derek Fong
Thu January 23rd, 2025, 12:30 - 1:30 pm
Event Sponsor
The Bill Lane Center for the American West
Presentation: A discussion with Genasys Protect and the Department of Emergency Management to learn more about the internal operations and how evacuation zones and resident notifications work in San Mateo County.
Presenter: Lisa Bernard
Presentation: NIST, presents their scientific research on the separation of structures for ignition potential.
Hello Fire Safe Members and Wildfire Resiliency Advocates -
There will be no Fire Safe meeting this Wednesday. We hope you are all enjoying the busy holiday season with friends and family and wishing you all the best in bringing in the new year.
I want to extend a special thank you to all our contractors, foresters, biologists, and hand crews, who have worked so hard in 2023 on our neighborhood chipping events and our various fuels treatment projects.
Happy Holidays,
Denise Enea
Executive Director
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