Resources for Homeowners
Fire Safe San Mateo offers a range of fire-safe education tools for individuals, businesses, and homeowner groups to raise awareness of the need to prepare for wildfires.
The California Fire Safe Council, CAL FIRE, and other organizations have developed several educational brochures that homeowners may use to help protect themselves from damaging wildfires. The brochures are free to the public and may be downloaded and distributed. However, any additions, deletions, or changes to the brochures' content and information must be approved by the Fire Safe San Mateo, the Fire Safe Council, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection and other author organizations noted in the copyright.
Resources for Homeowners
2016 Living With Fire In San Mateo County Brochure
Research Collections
Dicus, Chris. 2012. WUI Research Bibliography for Resource Managers. California Fire Science Consortium.
This extensive 51-page bibliography of WUI research citations is organized into nine sections: 1) Wildland fuels 2) Landscaping fuels 3) Construction 4) Community Planning 5) Social 6) Policy and economics 7) Fire suppression 8) Post-fire recovery 9) Case studies.
Building, Landscape, and Design Resources
- Ember Defense assists with home hardening so that your home can defend itself in the face of fire
Center for Fire Research and Outreach
- WUI Demonstration Building: A Virtual Tour, Builders Wildfire Mitigation Guide, Homeowner's Wildfire Assessment
Homeowner's Wildfire Mitigation Guide
- website that provides information on the fire risks associated with different sections of a house and its immediate surroundings.
Home Survival in Wildfire-Prone Areas: Building Materials and Design Considerations.
- UC Agriculture and Natural Resources Publication 8393. (pdf)
- Plant list for fire scaping
The Combustibility of Landscape Mulches
- A guide detailing the fire hazards associated with different landscape mulch types and landscaping near homes.
Firewise Construction and Building Materials
- Colorado Forest Service Publication.
Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety - How to Reduce Risks from a Wildfire
- This website contains information on how to prepare different parts of a home - roofs, doors, windows, decks, etc. - for threats created by wildfires.
At-Home Fire Hazard Protection
- An industry website run by with instructions for reducing fire hazards within a home. Contains mainly links to similar websites.
General WUI Information
Wildfire Information Network [eWIN]
- A national Cooperative Extension website with many resources regarding fire preparation, including activities for home protection that can be done before, during, and after a fire occurs near your home.
- Provides resources on building materials and codes for homes located in Fire Hazard Severity Zones.
Regional Resources
Living with Fire - Nevada
- The site provides wildfire threat reduction recommendations for fire-threatened communities in Nevada.
Living with Fire - Tahoe Basin
- Provides fire preparation resources to residents of the Tahoe Basin area
Sustainable and Fire-Safe Landscapes - Los Angeles and Ventura Counties
- SAFE Landscapes is a project of the Natural Resources Program based in Los Angeles and Ventura County Cooperative Extension that focuses on providing homeowners with fire and sustainability information.
Zone - San Diego
- This website, managed by the San Diego UCCE office, provides informational resources for San Diego property owners and community members on fire preparation and safety.
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