Encouraging Community Action:
Updated Santa Cruz and San Mateo Community Wildfire Protection Plan for 2022
The joint, Santa Cruz and San Mateo County Community Wildfire Protection Plan has been updated for 2018.
A Community Wildfire Protection Plan is a tool for communities to identify landscape scale hazards and take strategic action to reduce wildfire risk for healthier ecosystems and more resilient communities. The 143-page document assesses hazards and priorities within the two counties, identifies at-risk communities, and provides fuel reduction recommendations for high priority areas. The CWPP can also aid communities to apply for state and federal funding for fire prevention projects and programs.
CWPP for Santa Cruz and San Mateo originated in 2008, following the 4000-acre Summit Fire. Together, CAL FIRE, Santa Cruz and San Mateo Resource Conservation District (RCD) developed the Community Wildfire Protection Plan for 2010. The document is a result of partnership, community and agency input-resulting in a flexible document that can change overtime as conditions change or as communities need. The CWPP is not a legal document but should instead foster collaboration between communities for local action. This is a flexible tool to assist in planning, providing general guidelines to develop site-appropriate projects. Communities can utilize the CWPP as the foundation for more local CWPP’s throughout the region.
Download a copy of the 2022 Community Wildfire Protection Plan